The following is a list of common bugs that have been reported in Adventurer's Codex. If you've found an issue not on this list, please contact

Issue Status Description
Adding deeply nested Encounters causes list to not display all encounters correctly Known Workaround In some cases, encounters which are created deep inside other encounters might not show up immediately after creating. They are there, but the list doesn't update to show them.
Workaround: Refreshing the page after creating the nested encounter will show the list correctly.
Proficiency bonus is added to Attack regardless of Weapon Proficiency Investigating Solutions Weapons get Proficiency bonus added to Attack modifier regardless of the character's proficiency in them.
Excessive Notifications during group play Known Workaround In some cases during longer games using the party tools, the notification for "New Image On Exhibit" will be fired excessively and seemingly randomly.
Workaround: Having all players leave and rejoin the party has been known to solve this issue in most cases.
Repeated, Spammy Notifications Investigating Solutions In some cases mobile devices will see repeated notifications for internet connectivity problems when no issue exists..